Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SOS Challenge #29 - Light and/or White

These past few weeks have been so crazy that I haven't had much time to do anything crafty until this past weekend!  For SOS Challenge #29 we are asking you to create something:

Light and/or white or Meljens - use something from your stash that represents light- candle, fireplace, stars, Christmas lights, or decorate a candle, make a lantern, etc,  or make a project that is mostly white OR Use a Meljens Image

I decided that I would like to make a mostly white project and made this little gift box.  The box is actually a wooden box that I picked up from a garage sale and I painted it white with my Making Memories scrapbook paint.  It was so old and dried up that I had to add some water and mix it up so I could use it :)
I pulled out a few of my cuttlebug embossing folders that are neglected way too often and embossed some white cardstock and sprayed with some Pearl Shimmer Mist.  It's hard to tell from the photo but it really shimmers:
I added some tulle that has a hint of gold in it that I stole from my friends stash (don't worry she said I could).  I had this awesome wooden snowflake that I painted white ages ago so I decided to glue it up with my essential glue pad & added tons of glitter.  It is so much prettier in real life!  I think I will use it to hold some note cards or gift cards for Christmas this year.

Now our challenge this week over at SOS (Shopping our Stash) has lots of options so I expect to see you playing along.  I look forward to your creations each week for tons of inspiration!  We also have a fabulous sponsor this week:  Meljen's Designs & they have the cutest images and some really great Christmas ones for all your projects too!

I'm entering my gift box into the following challenges:

Craft Your Passion Challenge #87 - Anything Goes & Glitter
The Pink Elephant TPE128 - Snowflakes & Sparkle
Dream Valley #21 - Sparkle
Charisma Cardz Challenge #47 - Seeing Spots (I'm hoping my embossed spots count)


paige said...

Crystal, your card is so stunning! An elegant design in white!

Shell said...

This is gorjuss, i adore all white, thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week.
Shell xx

Susie said...

Stunningly effective and beautiful card! Thanks for joining our Sparkle challenge at Dream Valley. Susie x

melsanford said...

Gorgeous sparkly creation! Love the white on white. Thank you for joining us at Dream Valley :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

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Heather W said...

Helloo mate nice post